"Even if I continue making geta (traditional Japanese wooden sandals), I won't be able to make a living."

Tamaji Yarie, the founder of YARIE, supported himself by crafting components for geta, which are traditional Japanese wooden sandals, while also engaging in agriculture. However, in 1925, when Tamaji Yarie established YARIE, 71 years had passed since Japan had ended its period of isolation, and the townspeople's clothing was transitioning from traditional Japanese attire like kimono to Western-style clothing.

"Japan's first Swivel"

Tamaji Yarie was the first to create the "Japanese Swivel," which is now widely used throughout Japan. In 1931, he named the first swivel with an anti-twist mechanism "Sarukan" and filed for a utility model patent, obtaining a patent related to Sarukan. While traditional fishing gear only had swivels made from bamboo and string for return mechanisms, the metal Sarukan was more compact, had a stable shape, and improved durability. As a result, it became widely adopted among Japanese fishermen.

"Fishing as a hobby"

The third generation, the current president, Yukihiro Yarie, began working at YARIE during a time when Japan was experiencing development and prosperity. By this period, professional fishing was already in decline, and recreational fishing had become popular. Yukihiro Yarie recognized the growing popularity of lure fishing, not only in Japan but also in Europe and America, and took the initiative to focus on the development of lure-related products ahead of other manufacturers.

"The initial lure"

In 1993, YARIE created the black bass fishing jig head using "Bansyu Tsuribari" ahead of other companies, and in 1997, they produced the "Prima," a spoon lure designed for trout fishing. Hyogo Prefecture, where YARIE was born, is renowned for its fishing hooks, and hooks produced in this region are referred to as "Bansyu Tsuribari".
YARIE maintained a strong commitment to quality, crafting higher-quality lures than those of other companies. By entering the recreational fishing market, they established a solid position in Japan for saltwater and trout fishing, thanks to their dedication to quality.

"the next 100 years"

In 2025, YARIE will celebrate its 100th anniversary. YARIE has continuously evolved in tandem with the changes in the Japanese economy. The history of YARIE is intertwined with the history of fishing in Japan itself. Today, YARIE is not only a well-loved leisure fishing manufacturer in Japan but is also cherished in 16 countries worldwide.
As we look ahead to the next 100 years, we will continue to evolve to ensure that we remain a lure manufacturer that is beloved across the globe, reaching an even broader audience.