
Mobility On the Go! A 3-Piece Rod for Light Gamers

Folgore features a torqueful bent curve design that leverages the characteristics of a 3-piece rod. This allows for an ideal arc, making it easier to cast lures at greater distances. It ensures reliable hooksets on bites and enables you to bring hooked fish closer for landing. Designed specifically for light game fishing, this rod offers versatility for various fish species and targets, making it suitable for use in diverse locations and fishing spots. The 3-piece rod design achieves a compact 70cm collapsed length, incorporating Fuji's Torzite rings on all guides and utilizing an inlay joint system. Additionally, it boasts a simple and stylish design. These features will elevate your light game fishing experience to a new level.


Product Name Folgore
Length 1.88m(6'2” inch)
Collapsed length 65.3cm
Sections 3 (Inlay Joint)
Rod weight g
Top Diameter
Cast Weights 0.5 to 5.0g
Suitable Line PE:0.2 to 0.4Pound
FC:1.5 to 3LB
Lod Material Carbon Fiber:97%
Glass Fiber:3%
Guide Material TORZIDE ring by FUJI KOGYO